Friday, November 14, 2008

Blog Income - A Great Idea For a Blogging Web Site is No Longer Enough

By Ernie Carroll

It seems that everyone with internet access today, are putting up there own blog or blogs, whether it be for their own pleasure or to earn an income. Because there are so many blogs floating around on the internet, it can be tough to distinguish your blog from all of the others that are out there.

Every great blog starts with a great idea, and you can't build a successful blog that will last without one. To make your blog stand out from the rest, you will need to offer something that no other site is currently offering, or you will need to do the same thing that an already popular site does but in a more impressive or valuable way.

If you are planning on starting a blog, the key to building and maintaining a blog that will capture and hold the interest and attention of the blogging community is finding a niche. It used to be said to just start a blog on a subject that you are good at, but that doesn't necessarily hold true in todays blogging world, especially if you are planning on earning an income from your blog. The reason being, most blogs are about broad generic subjects and they have pretty much saturated the internet, making it very difficult to get any blog exposure.

To find a niche that will be able to compete, you must do some extensive research. One place you can do your research is Yahoo Answers. Go see what questions people are asking the most and in what niche they are in.Try to look for a niche that is unique, or different to what everyone else is blogging about. Maybe you will dig up a goldmine!

Next you will need to monetize your blog. Some good ways to do this is with affiliate products, AdSense, eBay auction, and Amazon. There are many more options that are also available.

The most important thing to remember now is to just get started!

Ernie earns a great income from his blogs. Copy the same Millionaire Blogging Bluprint that he uses and start churning out your own income now!

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4 Things I Like About Blogging to the Bank 3

By Aminuddin Sharifudin

Is the Blogging to the Bank 3 a worthwhile investment? This is the latest ebook written by Rob Benwell, aiming at improving some of the strategies that are not effective today as they were before. Personally, I feel Rob has done a great job, and all his latest techniques are interesting and can be applied easily. Thus, I would like to share 4 things I like about Blogging to the Bank 3.

Firstly, the ebook is solid, full of information regarding a lot of different techniques that can be applied to monetize your blogs. Rob does utilize the 50 pages efficiently. I am really impressed with his job.

Secondly, Blogging to the Bank 3 emphasizes on email list building from your blog. I find this really fascinating because the real money is really in your mailing list. Those subscribers will most likely be your future customers. Therefore, maintaining your email list means securing your future profit.

Thirdly, Rob highly recommends affiliate marketing as one of the means in making money through blogging. To me, that is a brilliant suggestion. Affiliate marketing does get my highest recommendation as well. The combination of blogging and affiliate marketing is really the key. Those who are about to start online business might want to consider this.

Lastly, Blogging to the Bank 3 encourages readers to focus on Clickbank as the main source of affiliate products. There are two main reasons why I strongly agree with Rob. First of all, Clickbank is the largest online retail outlet and affiliates will have lots of options to select from, especially in selecting their niches. In addition, hot and new Clickbank products can be easily identified as there are ready tools available for the affiliates. For instance, I am using Wealthy Affiliate's Clickbank Research tool to find hot products that have just been released.

In short, I believe that Blogging to the Bank 3 will be a great resource for those who are interested in making money online. I am really a fan of Rob's ebook because it emphasizes the combination of blogging and affiliate marketing. For those who are looking for online business opportunities, Blogging to the Bank 3 would be a great start. Therefore, I highly recommend this ebook to all.

Do not buy Blogging to the Bank 3 until you have read my full review of the ebook. Visit to check out the full review.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blog Success - Your Blog's Focus

By Ted Demopoulos

In order to have a successful blog, it's important for your blog to have focus. You can't blog effectively on several unrelated topics in the same blog and expect to have many readers. It's unlikely that many potential readers will share your mix of passions -- a blog must focus on only one topic for maximum success.

Let me give you an example. I have a friend Jacque who is a born-again Christian and a passionate gambler. He lives for Jesus and he loves to gamble. He certainly doesn't have any problems with either. He can carry on a discussion without mentioning Jesus in every other sentence. He also doesn't have any problems with gambling. He is not out of control; he's just really into sports and likes to bet on sports. He spends far less than many other people do on their hobbies.

If he were to blog on religion and gambling, it probably wouldn't work very well. He couldn't build a really large readership. There are not a lot of people that are into both and also people involved in one may tend to not like the other. A similar issue is when someone blogs on their business, whatever it is they do that they are hopefully passionate about, and they blog on too many miscellaneous topics or perhaps too many personal details.

Now you certainly can go off topic sometimes.

Recently I adopted a little girl from Russia and you can bet I posted a picture on all my blogs and said, "Hey, I just adopted this wonderful little girl from Russia." However you are not going to read about my personal life every week. If I suddenly have a cold or a sinus infection, I am not going to blog about it, not in a business blog

If you already have a large following, you may be able to go off topic more often if you are still providing lots of content in your core focus.

For example, Bruce Schneier is a very popular blogger on security. He decided that every Friday he would blog about squid. Squid doesn't stand for anything technical in this case: just squid the animal, the creature swimming in the ocean. He didn't cut down on his normal posting. He still posted as much information on his normal topic, security, but he thought it was kind of interesting to blog on something entirely unrelated. He just posted something about squid every Friday. It didn't affect his popularity although there was a lot of talk and comments about it, but it didn't cut down on his readership.

Now Bruce may be a slightly special case, because he is such a popular blogger, but pretty much the same rules would apply regardless. He kept blogging just as much on his main topic as always and just inserted something kind of fun every Friday. It seems to workout fairly well for him.

In general you should stick to your topic. If you want to blog on all kinds of miscellaneous things, you can always start a personal blog in addition to your business blog.

And for over 100 more tips on successful blogging, I invite you to grab your free copy of my ebook Secrets of Successful Blogging at

By Ted Demopoulos, author of "Blogging for Business" and "What No One Ever Tells You About Blogging and Podcasting"

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Get Results From Forum Marketing With This Guide

By Goh Wei Liang

What Is Forum Marketing

As the name suggests, forum marketing is a way of gaining traffic from the forums by contributing to the content. There are so many forums available online covering any topics that you can think off. But to think of it, if you stumble across any topics that are not covered by any forums, do let me know (if you know what I mean).

Common Mistakes In Forum Marketing

1) Spamming

There are thousands of people who know that forums are a good channel to drive traffic and focus their attention on it. As a result, they spam the forums with zero value comments and posts. Forum marketing is about quality content rather than quantity count.

2) Not using eye-catching forum signature

Forum signature is an area where you can display text or links of your choice. This is the link you want the forum readers to click which will lead back to your blog. But often, I see casually written signature display on it which doesn't create any urge for the forum readers to click on it.

Achieve This Before Linking To Your Blog

As a rule of thumb, try getting up to 50 posts first before even recommending people to read your blog. Always give before thinking of receiving. Avoid being seen as a spammer by forum members as it will hurt your credibility in the long run. In most cases that I have seen, the easiest way to get banned by a forum is to start posting links to your website on your very first post and this is what I don't want it to happen to you.

Post 1 unique entry on your blog and put it as your forum signature. This increases the chances of forum members clicking on your link. Make the link description as compelling as possible.

Leveraging From Forums

My advice is to concentrate on 1-2 forums by posting regular comments as well as articles for better results. Find threads that you can add valuable comments on it and do it everyday. Build up your forum profile and you can easily leverage from it. Alternatively, you can start a new thread to share on your experiences of the topic and at the same time provide a lesson for the forum members to learn from your story.

Participate in forums that have active members and fresh threads are being created everyday to discuss on different questions. In this way, you are exposing your content and at the same time being more productive when you leave comments on the thread.

Tips To Improve Forum Marketing

1) Use compelling forum signature

There are simply too many signature links in a forum and how do you make yours attractive for the forum members to click on it? You can use my technique by creating a unique article and post it on your blog. Include the article link on your forum signature to drive traffic to your blog.

2) Use real name

You should be trying to get your name out to your topic market as much as possible and thus using your real name in the forum is a must. You notice that I am trying very hard to tell you to build up your credibility because we are living in a cruel world.

People only follow and believe what you say after you have carved a name for yourself. They will then be all out to get your attention because they hope to get some benefit out from you. I know everyone goes through the same process but shorten the time frame needed to build your credibility online.

3) Post only constructive comments and articles

Contribute only when you can add to the value. Do not post for the sake of increasing your post count in the forum. I need to stress on the importance of quality in forum marketing because there are simply tons of competition in it.

Wei Liang

More blogging coaching guide and tips at

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Travel Writer's Secret to Making Money From an Ad-Free Blog

By Rebecca Ann

Travel writer David's first blog was an ad free blog. Some people thought he was crazy for not monetizing his blog. As a travel writer, he knew he could make money from his writing. Through his research he found great blogs on the internet that did not run ads. He found out that some ads can actually make you lose money! The most important discovery was finding out that he could make a decent income without running ads on his blog.

Would you like to know the travel writer's secret to making money from an ad-free travel writing blog? Keep reading to find out how it's done!

According to an article on the blog Lost Art of Blogging: "I've waited about 6 months for my first adsense check a few years back, when I first started blogging. Yeah, 6 months for a meager 100$. Don't forget it's a lot harder now, as opposed to, let's say, 2-3 years back. I've heard a lot of people saying they've waited as much as 12 months for their adsense to cash in. Let's look at the CPM model, too. At a normal CPM rate of 1$ per thousand impression, a blogger would need about 100k hits per month to make 100$, which, let's face it, is both not much at all and hard to achieve. A normal mid-trafficked blog has a few thousand impressions per day, working pass that requires a heck of a lot of work. Yeah, you can add multiple banners (leaderboards, skyscrapers, blocks etc.), but in the process you may risk over-flooding your blog with commercial ads."

First, sign up with or Blogger for a FREE blog. Once you start blogging you will develop credibility for your niche travel market. If your blog is loaded with advertising, readers may question who you are writing for. Are you writing to educate and provide useful travel information to your readers? They may get the "feeling that you're writing for the advertisers that are on your blog.

A blog is a great way to market your travel writing ability. You can make a page, call it Portfolio, and showcase your work. All you have to do is "pdf" your work or the alternative is to create a page for ebooks, travel guides, or magazine travel articles.

If you have a website dedicated to budget travel and your website receives a ton of traffic, consider writing an eBook. After all, you're expert on the subject and your readers know it. When you are finished writing and proofing your eBook, sell it on your website.

Another ad-free technique is to ask for donations. Some travel writers may think this is "crazy talk," but many people ask for donations to keep their blogs up and running. Appeal to your readers senses and if they appreciate your work they'll be happy to help you out financially so you can keep your blog online. Check out Paypal, sign up today, and earn money tomorrow!

In conclusion, an ad-free blog can make you money. Your blog will be clean and fresh with pertinent travel information that your readers want to read. A focused reader is a happy reader who will be back for more!

Our website is dedicated to aspiring and experienced travel writers. You'll discover motivation, inspiration, and education on travel writing. Join our forum and converse with other travel writers. You'll find information on getting started in travel writing to affiliate marketing. Sign up for our weekly blog recap just in case you'll be traveling; the blog will be delivered to your inbox.


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Blog Success - Your Blog Goals

By Ted Demopoulos

In order to have a successful blog, it's important to have blogging goals.

What are your goals with blogging? If you don't have any goals, how can you know if you're succeeding, if your blog is working?

Ask yourself where do you want to end up with blogging? You are never going to get there if there isn't any "there." How do you know you've achieved your goals if you don't have them?

I suggest going beyond merely listing goals and choosing a primary goal. Your primary goal may certainly shift over time, as may all your goals.

Goals for a business blog might include establishing thought leadership, engaging customers in dialogue -- Microsoft has been extremely effective in that with their 4,000 plus bloggers, increasing awareness of your company and its offerings, or perhaps just becoming a better writer -- writing is a critical business skill.

For example, my primary goal with my first blog was simply to experiment and become familiar with blogs and blogging. Once that was accomplished, my primary goal became to reposition myself as a consultant. Traditionally, I was a technical guy and many of my older clients used me for my technical acumen only. However I'd been in business for myself for a good 15 years including a number of startups and a lot of consulting, and I learned quite a bit about business. Some of my newer clients used me for my business acumen. I used my blog to help position myself as a consultant with a lot of business experience and a strong technical background.

I strongly suggest you write down your blogging goals, preferably on paper! Schedule a review date on your calendar a few months out and revisit your blog goals then.

Have you made progress towards achieving them? Has your primary goal shifted?

Just the simple practice of documenting your blogging goals and periodically reviewing them can have an enormous impact on the success of your blog.

And for over 100 more tips on successful blogging, I invite you to grab your free copy of my ebook Secrets of Successful Blogging at

By Ted Demopoulos, author of "Blogging for Business" and "What No One Ever Tells You About Blogging and Podcasting"

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Earn Money Blogging

By Greg Vintar

Earning money with blog is simple and easy. But first, what is a blog? A blog is kind of a website, a journal that is available on the web. It's already hosted and set with all kinds of different tools. So if you decide to create or set up a blog you just have to choose the company that offers one, choose the domain and you are almost ready.

By almost I mean , you have to ask your self first what are your goals with one. You have to decide whether you intend to make some money from it or simply to have one from pure fun.

Monetizing your blog takes a lot of knowledge and time in order to do it proper. You can monetize you blog many ways and here are some:

  • Display advertizing, include within your page elements as much ads as you like, but include only the relevant one.

  • Targeted advertising is also great way of monetizing. This way you include other companies ads, some are paying good to promote their ads within your site.

  • Affiliate links: are far most popular and they provide great deal of income trough your blog.

  • Selling your content: You can sell almost anything over your site (ebooks, DVDs,...)

These are only some of monetizing metods you can use to earn money blogging. As you can see there are countless ways of how to use your blog in order to make money.

Here is my free tip on how you can earn money blogging.

When you set up a blog exclude all of the page elements and simply use a blog as a preseller page for your affiliate link. This way your blog is for warming up the visitor or subscriber. If set correctly you'll convert better.

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How To Create A Boating Blog - Great Way To Express Your Passion

By Abhishek Agarwal

If you love boating and have a passion about it, you can let other people know about it through a boating blog. A blog is a great way to interact with the world. You can write anything you want in your blog. You can give boating tips, pictures from trips that you have made or just talk about all of your boating expeditions.

The first thing you need is a blog host. There are many available websites out there for bloggers. The two most popular places you can find blogs are on Wordpress ( and Blogger ( Both blog sites are free. If you want a built-in network, you can create a MySpace account and use the blog feature on the social network site.

If you want something more than a blog, create a website. Hosting a site isn't difficult. You can find some websites that are free, but they have many advertisers on their site. You can also get a website for cheap on the Internet. This is easy to do, but blogs are the easier of the two options.

Once you get the blog started, think of a title you want for the blog. Try to think of something creative because 'My Boating Blog' isn't going to cut it. Once you have the title down, you have to introduce yourself. You don't need to give your full name because there should be some information that is left confidential. Talk about why you love boating so this way people will be able to get a connection with you and understand your passion about boating.

Pictures are a great way to add to your blog. Take pictures of your boat and add pictures of your boating trips. You can give a bio for your boat. Talk about its features and the name of your boat. Describe how you got the boat and if you named the boat, how you got the name of the boat.

The point of your blog is to talk about boating. So put down anything you want. This is your blog and there isn't anything that you can?t talk about. You are in charge of what is put on the blog. If you want to talk about safety issues, then do it. If you want to talk about your fishing tales, you can do that too. There is no stopping you when it comes to talking about boats on your blog.

If you want people to contact you, include an email link. However, if you don't want anyone getting in touch with you, don't include any contact information on your blog. The way people can interact with you is through comments on the posts of the blogs.

Abhishek is an avid Boating enthusiast and he has got some great Boating Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 83 Pages Ebook, "How To Have A Perfect Boating Experience" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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Why Web 2.0 is Like SEO on Steroids

By Terry Philpott

To claim web 2.0 can be considered SEO on steroids would first require an exclamation as to what exactly is web 2.0. Over the recent past there's been a silent revolution taking place regarding the fundamental design and functionality of many popular web sites.

Formally the general structures of most online sites allow the visitor little or no ability to actually interact with the site itself much beyond leaving a name, email address, or some such other form of id. They were limited to the role of mere spectators with little or no say regarding site content, layout, or format.

The internet identified the need to expand communication channels between users and sites inducing a more interactive feel into the fabric of the web itself. This evolution was initiated by sites such as Amazon, which allowed its users to post product reviews allowing others to read.

Blogs are another example of Web 2.0. The ability for visitors and site owners to interact thru user comments and site owner responses have enhance the experience for both. Users have gained more influence over the site content.

Now we have video sites such as YouTube allowing users to upload their own videos for the entire internet to see and even rate. From there the list grows with other 'user oriented' sites such as Technorati, Digg, or Flikr. The emergence of social networking sites like MySpace, FaceBook, or Tweeter, to name a few, have helped accelerate the growth and popularity of interactive online sites.

Now how does all this relate to search engine optimization or for that matter how could it enhance SEO efforts for online marketers?

First you must consider how web 2.0 can be used to generate traffic for any online business.

Traditionally article submissions have been considered a great way to gain back links to your website benefiting your search engine rankings while also generating traffic for you. This process typically takes weeks or longer. On the other hand if you were to post this article on a web 2.0 site such as Digg and it was popular enough to appear on the main page you could conceivably receive tens or hundreds of thousands of visitors within the day. Additionally you would also have such a highly ranked site like Digg now linked to your site giving your search engine rankings a boost.

Other sites such as FaceBook, Squidoo, YouTube, or even blogs can give you the same lightning quick results utilizing their varying characteristics to get quickly indexed, recognized, and generate hordes of traffic for you.

Like the organic traffic you get from the more traditional means of search engine optimization, traffic from web 2.0 sites is also FREE.

All things considered, the traffic and the improved search engine rankings you get from web 2.0 type sites can be considered to be more like SEO on steroids. Are you ready to put your online business into overdrive while getting a little more interactive with other participants of the internet community?

T.J Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. For more information on succeeding in blog marketing and to receive a free guide that demonstrates how to find both profitable markets and products visit:

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Building a Blog Network

By Shannon Herod

Blogging is a great way to earn a massive income. But, unfortunately it is hard to earn a great income with one single blog. There is an answer for that though. Building a blog network is a great way to earn a living online. A blog network is simply multiple blogs within multiple niches with one common purpose... To earn you money.

A blog network is relatively easy to set up. Use WordPress as the platform to make sure that you get the best experience possible. Plus, it is easier to set up with WordPress in my opinion. Not to mention, WordPress is highly recommended by most successful bloggers.

I would start out with one blog and move your way up. Once you have the one blog up and running with traffic coming in that is when I would start to focus on the second. Once a second blog is up and running with traffic coming in start working on the third. Then keep on going until you are earning the type of money that you would like to learn.

There are three critical components when it comes to managing your blog network. Those three components are content, traffic and conversions. Without content, traffic or conversion your blog network will not be successful. Obviously you need content for the visitor to read, traffic so the content is read and conversions to start to make money. Without one of these three critical components firing on all cylinders your blog network will suffer. You need to make sure all three of these components are working together at all times.

Unfortunately, there are a few downfalls when it comes to owning a blog network. Managing multiple blogs can become a nightmare. Logging in and out of different sites and moving from blog to blog can become mundane and boring. Fortunately, there is an answer. There is a service that makes managing a multiple blog network relatively easy. That service called Firepow. Firepow allows you to produce content, manage your blog and promote it with ease.

Are you ready to start building your own profitable blog network? Are you ready to start living the life of your dreams? Well, the next step is to go check out our in-depth Firepow review and discover the secrets to starting your own blog empire.

Do not waste your time trying to build your blog network without the proper tools. You'll just get frustrated and end up quitting. Don't do that. You can be successful if you use the right tools. Fortunately, Firepow was built by a marketer who knows what he's doing. He's actually still marketing in niche markets today, using the exact tool that you will be using. Go check out our Firepow review now and grab Firepow so you can be on your way to blogging success.

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