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Monday, October 13, 2008

How to Make Blog Comments & Build Links the Right Way

By Waken Lai

We all know that the more incoming links we get, the better we'll rank on search engines and eventually the more traffic we'll be getting. And one of the easiest way to get instant traffic and building links is to make blog comments.

However, there are 2 things that you must do to prequalify before you get onto doing this so as to get the MOST out from you link building effort to your blog.

  • You must have great contents on your blog and keep adding to it - Okay, its common sense. If you've come to a blog from another blog through the comments on there, the very first things that you'll look at are the blog themes (not the layout theme but the topics it's geared towards) and titles of some posts. So, make sure you have interesting and yet original (unique) post on your blog before you start building links to it.
  • You must have sufficient content - Well, it's not the best time to start building your backlinks if you only had one or two post on your blogs. Just get to have at least more than 10 post before building links to your blog. Some people will disagree with me because link building requires time and it has nothing to do even if you had just a few posts on your blog. But my logic is, the traffic that you're going to get to your blogs is almost instant. You post a comment on a high traffic blog today and you'll start getting some traffic from there the next day (once your comment approved). And if people see nothing interesting, that's the last time they will ever get to your blog. On the other hand, if you have great content on there, there's a high possibility they will bookmark your blog and come again.

Okay, so the link building strategy that I'm referring to is blog commenting. Arg.. simple stuff, right? Heard it plenty of times before but how many of us are actually doing it the right way? Let me just show you the correct way to do it...

There are in fact some stone carved rules that you must abide to, to get it work correctly and effectively.

  • The very first rule is, DO NOT SPAM - Don't put spam comments on other people blogs. Put yourself in the blog owner's shoe. They dislike it as much as you do. So, be truthful, be genuine and be real. Read the blog post, and comments by giving ideas, suggestions, or whatever that comes up to your mind as long as it relates to the blog post.

  • Do not link directly from the comment post - Thinking of getting some anchor backlinks? You'll get deleted before even your comments get approved. So, do it in your name. But there's trick to this. Always have your name there and you might include your website beside.

  • Comments only on blogs related to your theme - There's no right or wrong to this. But you'll get nowhere if you commented on a dog's blog with a link to your forex trading blog.

  • Comments frequently - Nobody tells you this. But it's true that the more often you comment on a blog, the more favored you get both by the search engines and the blog owner. It's definitely a win win for the blog owner and you.

These are the things gurus don't emphasize which you ought to know as these are the things that determine the success of your blog commenting effort. Okay, start comment for links and traffic now - The Right Way.

For more internet marketing breakthrough, keep an eye on Internet Business Made Easy.

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Blog to Rank High in the Search Engines

By Shawn Burgy

There are many steps one can use to get your blog to rank high in search engines. First of these would be simple Article Marketing. This is the clear way to get quality links back to your blog or other pages. You need to get the PageRank up for all your site's as quickly as possible. The ranking of your blog can sometimes be a bit tougher to work with.

First thing to look at is content and desirability of your positions. Keyword phrases and meta tag's should be to your content. This can be tougher when you have a blog that is also a journal of sorts. My Blog is just this type of blog. I almost always post new stuff that I find interesting. As you should do this as well, Unless your blog is about a particular niche. Which I do have mine connected to a niche because of advertising reason's. So be creative with your page and make it yours. Be sure to use keywords that will get picked up. But no need to go overboard here, As long as you write good content and keep articles flowing. You should have some Google PR in no time.

Remember to rank high you need lot's of backlinks to your sites. This is made easy through Internet and Article Marketing. It is one way backlinks that we are after. As your web preciseness builds so will your the backlinks to your site. Having links to social bookmark your site also helps. So just keep writing and posting and you will have made a money maker in no time. Just keep updating and posting to your Blog.

Internet Marketing takes time,You won't do this building overnight. But you can do it in a quicker manner once you learn what needs to done. I think it's fun to write and watch the traffic start coming. Also keep in mind that PageRank isn't as important as it used to be. But it's still very important to help your positions in the search engines.

See a real blog at work ArticlesMyMoney Blog

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How to Add ShareThis to Your WordPress Blog

By Rosey Dow

ShareThis is a vital tool allowing readers to share your blog posts and web pages with 2 simple clicks. The blog graphic and beginning lines of the web page or blog post will show up on Facebook profiles, MySpace and many more social networking sites. ShareThis is free to download and quick to use.

First, go to and select the service you wish to use. I use both. One option is a browser toolbar that allows you to share great content from any web page you visit. You can choose the from Firefox or Internet Explorer versions. Downloading takes less than a minute. You'll need to restart your browser to see the toolbar appear.

The second choice puts a ShareThis icon on your web page or blog post, inviting visitors to share with their friends. This option is called ShareThis for Publishers. There are versions for WordPress, Blogger, Typepad, and a generic version. Once you choose your application, you'll go to an instruction page. Unfortunately, the instructions there are outdated.

Here's how to get where you want to go:

1. Register to receive your reports by clicking the link and adding your email address.

2. Customize your icon settings by choosing whether you want a simple green symbol or a rotating image that shows all the social networks you can share to. I chose the simple one because moving objects on a page are annoying to me. Then you can choose the tabs that will appear when your icon is clicked. You can just leave those checked and move down to Choose Your Social Web Services for 20 or 36 different social networking sites.

3. Get your code by clicking the button that says, "Copy to Clipboard."

To add the icon as a widget in the right column of your WordPress blog:

1. Go to your Wordpress blog and log in to the admin area.

2. Click on Design.

3. Go to Widgets.

4. Go down the left column to Text and click Add.

5. A new Text bar will appear at the bottom of your widget column to the right.

6. Click Edit on that bar.

7. Paste the html code for the ShareThis application into the Text Box and click Change.

8. Drag the text box toward the top of your widget list so the icon will be readily visible.

9. Click Save

To add the ShareThis icon at the bottom of an individual post like this one (my preference):

1. Go to your Wordpress blog and log in to the admin area.

2. Click on Write.

3. Paste the ShareThis code into the body of the blank blog post

4. Type ShareThis Code in the header line.

5. Click Save.

Now the code is in your draft box, available for you to cut and paste it into any blog post you'd like to promote.

And now I'd like to invite you to my blog, a rich source of Internet marketing tips.

Rosey Dow is CEO of Experts in Focus

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Use Creative Commons Licensed Photos to Spruce Up Your Website - For Free

By Kevin Watson

For those of you who maintain your own blog or website, you've probably discovered that a great way to jazz up your posts is to bedazzle them with a stock photo here and there. Pictures are attention-grabbers (nobody likes to read). Stock photos, because of the royalties owed to the photographers, cost money, and that can add up if you're constantly posting. Wouldn't it be great if you could just reuse pictures you find on the internet without paying royalties? Now, before you go crazy and start copying pictures from CNN, you should know there are intellectual property issues associated with using someone else's pictures on your own site.

In steps the non-profit organization Creative Commons (or CC) with a solution to the reuse of others' creative works. According to their website, "Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from 'All Rights Reserved' to 'Some Rights Reserved.'" To achieve this, Creative Commons has created several standard "licenses" that a creator can grant that govern the terms of the reuse of his intellectual property. One of the most common CC licenses is the license of "Attribution." What this means is "[y]ou let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work - and derivative works based upon it - but only if they give credit the way you request."

What does this mean for you? Well, it means there is a virtual treasure-trove of free images to be found on sites like Flickr that you can use on your own site, as long as you give credit to the person who took the picture. Just pull up the CC section on Flickr (hint: you can find it in the footer of the Flickr home page), and you can search through millions of these reusable images. Now pick the images you like and start pimping out ur posts wit fotohs of adorable kittehs. Of course, be sure to comply with the CC license.

Kevin Watson,

GeekTout is a blog dedicated to all of the things that you geek out on. Delivering your daily dose of news, tips, humor, music and gear with sardonic wit and a definitive point of view. Everyone's a geek. What kind are you?

Please visit my blog at for more.

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How to Increase Organic Traffic With Blog Carnivals

By Scott Brooks

If you have a blog and are struggling to drive traffic to it, you may want to consider participating in a blog carnival. Many internet marketers have not heard of blog carnivals and are subsequently missing out a free method to get targeted visitors to their blogs. Carnivals can be a good way to attract traffic and generate some much needed publicity for your blog. Carnivals and the people that help run them, collect and distribute information surrounding a certain topic. It is similar to an online magazine article.

During a blog carnival, a group of individuals will work together to create an informative article around a certain topic or niche. They will include links to related blogs. Individuals that contribute are able to submit their blog to the carnival. Blog carnivals are published on a regular basis. This might be weekly or monthly.

Individuals that would like to participate simply need to find a carnival that is on topic with their blog and then submit a short article and their blog's links. There are different roles that must be filled in order to make sure that a carnival is a success. They include an organizer, a host, bloggers and readers.

The organizer will decide what the carnival topic will be. They will establish criteria for submissions and will relate to blog contributors how links and information will appear. They will essentially coordinate the entire carnival.

The host will publish the carnival on their blog. The will get to decide the date of the carnival and will receive all of the submissions from the participants. They will then organize the information into an article that will include the links to the various blogs and also add their own comments.

Bloggers that want to participate simply need to fill out a blog carnival submission form. All submissions will be sent to the host. The host will then create a comprehensive article with links from all of the submissions.

Blog carnivals are most successful when everyone works together to drive traffic to them. Individuals can do this by paying for advertising (pay-per-click, ezine ads, etc.), writing articles, leaving comments on other people's blogs, being active on forums, placing ads on free classified ads or participating in Yahoo or Google Groups. There are a few of the very best ways and most inexpensive ways for participants to advertise. In order for blog carnivals to be a success, everyone needs to help generate traffic. The Blog Carnival community will also be another source of traffic.

Blog carnivals can a great opportunity to begin working with other people in your niche or a complimentary one. This allows you to not only get your blog in front of people that are interested in it, but to also potentially start working together with other marketing professionals in your niche and to create some joint ventures and make additional monies.

Need a quick and easy solution for driving targeted traffic to you website? Go here:

Scott Brooks is a successful internet marketer who has been working online since 2004. He has authored several popular ebooks and owns three membership sites.

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Free vs Premium Wordpress Themes

By Richie Johns

Are you in a situation where you are trying to decide on whether or not to purchase a Premium theme? It depends on your goals for the site. Do you want a site that looks slick or are you happy to have something which looks average to good? Do you intend to make money from your site or do you just want to blog away?

If you just want to blog, then probably a free theme is sufficient. However, if you really do want to make money then a good premium theme with support is going to help a lot. I made the decision to purchase a premium theme after doing a lot of searching and evaluation of the various premium themes around. The theme I chose has really helped me to start making money from my site and the support (which has been invaluable) has enabled me to set up the site the way I want it with affiliate ads, slick design and easily customizable pages from the admin area.

Some people say that Premium themes aren't worth it, but I couldn't disagree more. Sure, there are some pretty crappy premium themes out there, but if you use your head a bit you can usually avoid the bad ones. When looking for a good premium theme I recommend going through the forums and comment pages on the theme you are thinking of buying. You can usually get a good indication on how good the theme is by reading the various comments from real users. If you can't find any comments then you are probably better off staying away. There are more and more high quality (and some unfortunately low quality) premium themes as well.

There are usually three types of Premium themes available - single site, multiple site and developer license, although some sites just have either single site or developer licenses. In many cases you would normally go for the multiple license unless you are certain you will only use the theme for one site. If you are a developer, obviously you would want to choose the developer's license. If you want more tips and get a review of the best premium sites feel free to visit my site.

Richie J runs a site called which helps all levels of Wordpress users find relevant information on Wordpress related topics. The site offers practical advice on a wide variety of topics from the best plugins to use, SEO and a review of the best Wordpress Premium Themes.

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Blogging For Business is a Trend That Deserves Attention!

By Parampreet Singh

You are going to take the time to create a successful blog, and develop a regular reading audience; I suggest blogging at least twice every week. Some video blogging sites may not accept vblogs with certain types of content; others may help promote certain types of content. With blogging, you are creating an advertisement highlighting your product or services and convincing the public that it is something that they cannot live without.

Use keywords like, "blog, blogging," to search for information on blogs. Blogging, of course, is one of those defining elements .Use free and inexpensive blog traffic exchange communities there are many sites which can be termed "traffic exchange" sites for the blogging community. (Example: In Coaching, we take advantage of modern online survey tools and blogging tools which breathe fresh life into our businesses.

You don't know how to use your blogging software, yet you expect to look like an expert and build credibility. Reciprocal linking in the industry you're blogging about builds relationships and links back to your site. Having originated in the world of blogging, some have even referred to pod casting as "audio blogging. Advantages of Blogging: Blogs enables coordination by improving the level of communication within members of a group.

There many blogging platforms existing on the net. For most people, blogging takes some time to become profitable. 5 x digital zoom, video clipping, video recording, video calling, video streaming, picture blogging, push email, media player, sound recorder, flight mode, Bluetooth, GPRS, USB, Fast Port, PC Synchronization and much more. Many blogging systems will automatically ping your blog updates.

It doesn't have to be a whole new site, just add a directory to your existing site and start blogging. John's blog is basically about the internet and blogging - often with thoughts on the business side of things - mixed up with odd ramblings about, and pictures of, things he eats. If blogging appeals to you, you can create a viable Internet business within a few months: for free. A blogging platform is the software that generates the blog pages for you.

Blogging for business is a trend that deserves attention. It is essential to remember that blogging outsourcing, just like usual deals with immediacy and a conversational tone. Adding to the gorgeous styling, the phone comprises an innovative blogger plan that, with an ideal cellular network support, can help user in "any-time" blogging. Now, you can even host your blog on your own domain so that you don't have to keep logging into the blogging site - you simply update your posts and ping directly from your website.

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Blogger's Survival Tips

By Nevil Darukhanawala

Any avid blogger will tell you that blogging is very hard work, and there have been rare cases where bloggers have admitted to letting blogging disrupt their family life, friendships in the real world, finances and time.

We are not advocating extreme behavior. But sometimes we cant help admire some of the reasons they give - one of the favorites is that blogging is not just about writing or sharing, but the enormous satisfaction one gets being an active participant in exploring human experiences, knowledge, emotions and passions.

Let's take a trip into time, back to the early hay days of the Internet. You had to pay for everything; set up of the website, hosting, server managed services, email accounts, and promoting your website. Other than that one needed the services of costly website developers to change a line of text, or a simple graphic.

It was little wonder that only companies could afford these exorbitant rates, leaving individuals and many professionals as passive participants, who could view, compare, give feedback, or buy.

Today the individual has the power to be active participants on the Internet with blogs, social bookmarking and social networking becoming commonly used terminology by college students, innovative brands and even large organizations.

Blogging gave the individual the power to create attractive pages of content with pictures, videos, and share it with the world on click of a button.

The present seems secure enough, and thousands of new blogs are being created each day, the numbers of users reading blog are on the rise, bloggers have started making a modest sum for their hard work, and popular blogs are ranking well in search engine results.

But what's sad is that 90 percent of them will witness a sad demise because of simple things they did not know (not did not do) when they started blogging. Around 8 percent of blogs will never be read, and 1 percent will give up after a year of hard struggle. Well that leaves 1 percent of blogs that will have any hope for survival, let alone success.

Now don't get discouraged, blogging is most fulfilling, but rather look within to see the reason why you want to blog and about what? Answering those questions honestly could mean the difference between success or the demise of your blog.

In the animal kingdom, it's the survival of the fittest.

In the blogging world, it's the most persistent, innovative and passionate bloggers that will survive. It will not be just about what you do, but what you feel, and how you perceive the world you so write about that will make the difference.

Great Tips for blogger survival:

1. Write about something you know, and are passionate about. After all you will not want to write 3-5 times a week on a subject that you are unfamiliar with, or are not passionate about.

2. Add your complete profile with a nice photograph. Readers like to know a little about you.

3. Be persistent in your writing, your readers expect something new each time they visit.

4. It's not about quantity, but quality. Write clean good copy, use humor and examples with nice visuals.

5. Innovate, don't give the same content rehashed, do things differently, give your blog a distinct voice.

6. Make your blog customized, attractive and easy to navigate.

7. Add a search to your blog.

8. Allows your readers to interact with your blog (polls, comments, social bookmarking).

9.Your readers are your customer's; get to know their likes and dislikes, pay attention to their comments and always answer right away.

10. Create links within your blog posts, to your other blog posts.

11. Create links from your blog post to your website (if you have one) and from your website to your blog. Also give links to other external reference sites that might add value to your reader.

12. Build links from other blogs, and popular websites to your blog.

13. Register your blog on blog search engines and blog directories.

14. Announce your blog to the world on press release sites.

15. Submit your blog posts to popular article submission sites. Don't overdo it.

16. Register your blog feed (Atom/ RSS) with content feed syndicates.

17. Track the visitors on your blog using services like Google Analytics.

18. Monitize your blog with adwords and select affiliates that adds value for your readers.

19. Track and read other blogs in competition with you. What are they doing different?

20. Track the most popular blogs, see what they are doing (how often are they posting, the titles, the quality of content, do they use graphics and videos, do they answer comments etc).

21. Leave interesting comments for other bloggers. They will notice you!

Nevil Darukhanawala, SEO Expert Mumbai, SEO Services Mumbai

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How I Use My Own Blog to Generate Blog Profits

By Guy Siverson

Serious money can be made from blogs, including the ones you manage.

Blog profits are real!

And they are relatively easy when one follows some simple steps.

I recently took a blog from PR0 to PR3 using "bum marketing" principles. And you can do the some when you use my own blog principles to supercharge your own success.

*** Bum marketing ***

Building content around a given long tail keyword for which you know the results from Google will be highly positive.

Ways to accomplish this include...

* Creating and marketing videos

* Creating and marketing articles

* Using social networking and bookmarking to capitalize upon your success

Here's the process in a nutshell.

* Start with a given keyword within your niche (ie apple).

* Narrow down your scope by creating a long tail keyword using Google search (ie red delicious apple).

* Create content related to the long tail keyword you create.

* Rinse and repeat frequently.

This will work for any niche in any market including "underwater basket weaving" if that's your gig. What's more important is that the long-term results on your visitor levels will be unquestionable.

Simply put, bum marketing works.

*** Automated Newsletters ***

Now that you have a steady flow of traffic to your blog what are you going to do with it? Let it visit once and then forget about it? Don't waste your time.

You need an automated newsletter.

It doesn't have to be complicated. As a matter of fact if you create a newsletter that has only a couple of relevant tips for your target audience in each issue, you'll build a loyal following.

I need not say that repeat visitors are the key to your success as an Internet marketer do I?

*** Blogvertising ***

Now you have a steady stream of first time visitors as well as repeat visitors. If you provide highly relevant affiliate links for them to check out you are sure to start generating income successfully. Just be sure that you are referring people to relevant high quality links or you might regret it in the long run.

However, affiliate links are not the only way to generate income from advertising on your blog. You could write your own Ebook or create your own related items that would be of interest to this market.

Or better yet, allow other people who have created highly relevant items that your niche market will be interested in to advertise on your blog. You could choose to charge them for placing ads on your blog or let them be guest article contributors adding to the value of the content of your blog. Either way the end result will be highly profitable if done right.

*** Closing ***

Blog profits are indeed possible. Hopefully you have some fresh ideas of how you will go about making money from your own blog by reading about how I use my own blog for the same income generating processes. It's important to point out that the above are not the only ways to make money blogging, they are however some excellent ways to go about it.

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Generate Blog Profits From Other People's Blogs

By Guy Siverson


If you think this article is about spamming other people's blogs with affiliate links, it's not.

Sure, Generating blog from other people's blogs via direct links to affiliate programs is the easy way out.

* No developing your own blog

* Little creative thinking

* Money can be made

I've only one word to say to you if this is or will be your method of advertising.


Not only will it get you banned from any good blogs within the given niche you are targeting, but also people have no interest in direct blatant advertising being shoved in their face.

You can however make serious money using blogs that belong to other people.


Good question.

First decide on a given targeted niche. There is so much information on the web about targeting niches that I'm not going to cover that here. Bottom line? Do it or die a quick Internet marketing nightmarish death. Also, pick a niche target that either you know something about or are willing to study do massive studying within. Don't pretend to be something your not, people see right through that and it stinks.

Second, find out what others are writing about within a given niche. I use to complete this process and recommend the same for everyone else who is serious about building an audience within a given target market. I also recommend SEO Elite, which will clearly identify who the experts are within a given niche. These experts are your friends!

Third, with your knowledge and their position begin placing relevant interesting clear concise comments on their blogs that are directly related to an article or articles they have posted. This sentence is so critical to your success that it bears repeating...

"With your knowledge and their position begin placing relevant interesting clear concise comments on their blogs that are directly related to an article or articles they have posted."


If you don't have anything to add to their specific topic, then don't add anything.



Wait some more.

Then when you have something really important to add to what is being said it is time to add your comments. Repeat that as often as possible within their blog and you will become an expert authority that people listen to when reading this blog.

Not only will this help your Google PR level (If they have a good Google PR) but you will also start building an audience to your own website from their blog. With most blogs there is absolutely no reason why you can't include highly relevant links back to your website if they are EXACTLY that.

* Not advertising

* Not spam

* Not anything but highly relevant links to the exact topic at hand.

Perhaps these links will need to be subjugated to your signature line (keep it short) within the comment but the link will be their none-the-less.

On the page that people visit from their blog include two things.

* A sign up form for your automated newsletter. You do have an automated Email newsletter don't you? Please tell me you do. Otherwise you're throwing all your hard work right out the window.

* An affiliate link you would like people to visit, that is highly relevant to the exact topic at hand. There are any of a number of ways of doing this. Graphic, video & intext ads are three of my own personal favorites.

In closing, if you don't see how generating blog profits from other people's blogs is quite possible from the above information then I'd recommend you try something other than Internet marketing. May I suggest underwater basket weaving?

Guy Siverson (SEOGuy) - How would you use your own blog to generate online profit? Find out @ - Partner of

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Simple But Effective Blog Marketing Strategy

By Dave Sherwin

If you are looking for a simple, effective blog marketing strategy you're not alone. Every serious marketer knows they should have a blog, up-date it often, and promote it. But the fact is most peoples blogs have 3 problems:

1. The owner of the blog has no clear, effective blog marketing strategy.

2. The blog isn't built for performance.

3. The owner of the blog doesn't post consistently enough.

I'm going to tackle the first issue in this article, creating an effective blog marketing strategy. I'll detail the six step process I go through to create blog entries that get me hundreds of visitors a day, resulting in free leads and sales.

It all starts with content. In this case, I researched the "Top 5" article submission sites. That was something I knew my visitors are interested in. Here's how I went about blogging it:

Step 1. Keyword research

First of all, I used google's keyword research tool at I entered my keyword:

"article submission"

Out of the results, one stood out:

"article submission sites"

It was getting 880 average search results per month, and low competition. That makes it a good "long tail" keyword to go after.

Step 2. Create Content

So now I create my content, starting with a headline that includes the keyterm:

Top Five Article Submission Sites

Step 3 Create blog post

Now I go to my blog and create the post, by entering the title, then writing the content. It is important to include the keyterm in the first sentence, and also bold it, (this gets more search engine love!) and also include the keyterm in the URL. Make sure and also add keyterm in your tags.

Step 4 Promote

Now that you have a blog post up, you need to let people know about it! Go to whatever social networks you belong to, and promote your new page through bulletins, posting on Fun-Walls, your status up-dates (Example: Just posted top 5 article submission sites on my blog, check it out!) Also twitter it, and send an e-mail to your list, letting them know they can find fresh content at your blog.

Step 5 Check your stats!

Now log into your stat counter, and see how many people are visiting your blog! Don't be discouraged if the number is low, if you are committed to the process, that number will go up and up!

Step 6 Rinse and Repeat!

Let your competitors do the stupid, ineffective "gimmicks" and junk that so many marketers do. If you commit to this simple, free strategy, it will produce long term, sustainable results!

Dave Sherwin is a Network Marketer who won the "Rookie of the Year"award in a large international network marketing company in 2006. He is the co-author of "Lighthouse Marketing", The Art And Science Of Attracting People Into your Network Marketing Organization. Learn the Lighthouse Marketing secrets at:

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Make Cash Online Using Your Existing Traffic

By Christopher M. Hall

How can you make cash online? Well, if you already have a good bit of traffic coming to your website or blog, then you have, in many ways, already done the hard part. But I am surprised at how many good websites I come across that have great information, but no way to make money from their hard work. Below are some very simple ways you can use to make cash online from the traffic that you already have.

Place Ads On Your Website

Just about the easiest way to make cash online using your existing traffic is by placing ads on your webpage. Now, you want to place ads on your webpage that relate to your subject. And these ads can pay you in many different ways. You can get paid for each impression of the ad (an impression is when someone loads your page and the ad is displayed). You can get paid each time someone clicks on your ad. You can get paid when someone buys a product through an ad. Determine which method works best for your website, and then start using your traffic to make some extra money.

Sell A Service

If you are good at what you do or you know a lot about a subject, you can make cash online by selling a service on your website. For example, if you are good at writing, people may pay you to write for them. If you know a lot about how to get traffic to your website (and many people are looking for this), then you can ask for a monthly fee to help people build traffic to their website. If you know how to repair cars, you can have people pay you $3 to answer a mechanical question. You get the idea. If you know something, you can make cash online with your knowledge.

Sell A Product

A third way to make cash online using your existing traffic is by selling a product. What? You say you don't have a product? Well, there are plenty of companies that will pay you a commission if someone from your site buys their product. This is called affiliate marketing - and it is huge! But, you may also be surprised at how easy it is to create you own product. For example, there are 10-20 page e-books on the Internet that sell for hundreds of dollars all because someone shared their knowledge in an easy to read format. Give it a try! You may be surprised at how easily you can make cash online with your very own product.

Want to make cash online? Well, you can, and you don't even need Internet traffic.

Christopher M. Hall has found ways to make cash online and he wants to show you how to do it too!

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Small Business Blog - Getting Started - Wordpress Or Blogger

By Christine Decourlande

You have a business. You love it. And you want to share your knowledge on the internet to attract more customers and serve the ones you have. You can write and use spell check. (Of course you can, you have a business license.) Now how can you set up a web site? Is a blog too easy to look professional?

It depends. If don't put any effort into the content and setup of your blog it will show. But good content and consistency can trump a flashy custom site. If you are technical enough to manage a web site, a good content management system like Wordpress can speed you on your way to a professional looking blog. If the words "manage a web site" made you shudder, then a Blogger account might serve you better.

What are the differences between Wordpress and Blogger? First of all, there are two ways to use Wordpress, one is, which is non-commercial. So it is not an option for your small business. The other is Wordpress, the software, which you can download for free from and set up on a host of your choosing. Blogger is hosted for you, and now gives you the option of registering a domain, which can be your business name (if available).

How do you setup a quick, engaging site on Blogger? It's easy. Go to, and create an account. If you already have a gmail account, or any other account with Google, you can use it. If not, choose Create Your Blog Now and follow the prompts. You'll be able to name your blog and choose a template that suits the style of your business. If you feel like customizing your blog, you can do so. If that doesn't interest you, you can start writing immediately.

If you want more control over your site, and are willing to pay for it and do a bit more technical work, consider Wordpress with self hosting. You can get information on hosting requirements, and instructions on nearly everything Wordpress related at Once you choose a host, you'll need to register your domain, if you don't already have one. If you choose to self host, remembering to make backups of your site is very important.

Why would you want to go to the trouble of finding a host, setting up everything yourself and being responsible for your backups? And why would you pay for what you can get for free? Customization is not free. If you want your blog site to have a design completely unique to you and your business, then you need to have full access to the server and all of your sites files. You will not get that with a free service. (Though, of the free blog hosting services, Blogger does allow javascripting.)

And there is your decision: Do you prefer ease of use or control? What is worth more to you and your business vision, customization or the ability to set up your site quickly without much technical knowledge?

Read more at Geek Thoughts. Technology doesn't need to be boring.

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You Really Can Make Money Blogging

By Brandi Yates

You have found this article to find out how to make money blogging and you have come to the right place. Even though the economy is not in good shape, business in e commerce is doing great. If you are totally new to blogging I can reassure you that it is very simple, easy, and fun!

Many people do not know that there are literally hundreds of ways to make money with your blog. For most people, adsense is the first thing that comes to mind. The truth is that adsense is one of the least effective ways to make money with your blog.

The income potential is limitless. You do not have to invest in anything except a hosting provider. This will cost approximately $7.00 a month. You simply need to write information about a subject you are familiar with and point your visitors to the right products.

I have only been doing this for a few months and I am now making over $1,000 a month. This amount is only going to double every month!

You have probably seen many sites telling you that making money online is all a scam and it couldn't possibly be true. There are comments like that because some have tried and failed. The truth is, people really are making thousands of dollars every day online.

While there are some websites that are trying to scam you, the trick is to weed out the good from the bad. I have been testing and reading about this for over a year and I am so glad I did not give up because you really can make money online with your blog, website, and articles.

I will show you step by step how to make money with your blog. Click Here to get started! This is free information that I am sharing with you. You really can do this and I have written tutorials to get you started.

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How to Make Your Blog Productive

By Aakash Shah

Blogs are one of the recent developments in the world of internet. Today many people are using these as an effective money making tool. If it is true that you have created your own blog on any topic of your interest and if the same is aimed towards a niche market i.e. a market this is exclusive in itself, then you are only a few steps ahead of making decent money. Given below are some interesting and useful tips on how to make decent profits by making effective use of 'Blogs'.

The first and the most important step to be remembered regarding Blogs is that they need to be always targeted towards a niche segment of the market.

Never keep any kind of stale information in your blogs. Inculcate the discipline of updating the blog regularly and frequently.

Create as many possible back links as you can for your blogs. This surely adds to your profit.

You can also make use of articles with high quality and good content supported with relevant images which may also help you earn decent money.

Google AdSense is the best tool that can help you earn money. If your blog has enough traffic and the information provided by you is uptodate, Users will want more and proper placement of the Google Ads can make wonders for your blog.

Do not just depend on Google AdSense.. You can try various other income sources like Text Link Ads, Click Bank Products and Other Affiliate Programs related to your niche to earn steady income.

If the above mentioned simple tips are followed, then blogging could be real fun and also be more profitable.

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