I downloaded the Entrecard toolbar because with four linked blogs, I wanted an easier way to switch between them and the toolbar shows how many EC I have for that blog. The toolbar makes this simple by clicking a menu button and selecting the blog for which I want to drop. As I was exploring the toolbar, I noticed two arrow buttons (> and >>) and being the adventurous type decided to press one. All of a sudden, my web page changed.
Now at the time, it kind of upset me off, because I was in the middle of reading a really good story and didn't really want to change pages. (Don't you just hate it when that happens?) Then I realized the significance of the irritation. I could switch from one Entrecard blog to another with just one click.
Before I had used a system called Entrecard Credit Generator to streamline the way I dropped cards. Entrecard Credit Generator is a website that host links to over 300 Entrecard blogs. For each button pushed on the site, 10 Entrecard blogs would pop up as tabs and you could switch from one to another to drop cards. That was really time-consuming with having to close the tabs. And if you have other tabs already up, it could overload your browser.
So the relative ease of switching blogs was pretty neat, but was that all it could do? Well, no! When I choose a category favorite and then pressed the arrow, it would only show those category favorite blogs. I can also choose which search parameters I want. If I want to search the cheapest parenting blogs, I could choose parenting from the favorites and cheapest from the parameters, and up would come the cheapest parenting blogs on Entrecard. And if I chose the two overlapping arrows, it will display the site in another tab. Plus, once I drop, it will give the option to buy advertising (or if you don't have enough EC - tell you that) with just the click of a button.
This toolbar is more than just another pretty face in a world of toolbars I have downloaded and then never used. I have used the Entrecard toolbar for just a few minutes every day since I discovered these uses. Put this to work for you!
PS: Another trick - Every time you write a blog post, you get 25 EC!!!! So keep writing!
Kat Sanders is Owner/Designer for Creative Pride. Creative Pride started in January of 2008 as an online chainmail and beaded jewelry store. As that business was getting off the ground, Kat found that as a way to sell my chainmail creation is was wonderful, as a way to make money, not so much. So, Kat started looking for other sources of revenue and Creative Pride went from an online store to a marketing business. She also has a blog at http://creativepride.net Please visit my company website: http://creativepride.ws and see how my business is growing! |