1) Professional blogging includes using your blog as a relationship builder. You should blog everyday if possible and put in your blog events and things going on in your life like vacations, birthdays etc. along with pictures. But most of your blogging should include valuable content that others can use like marketing strategies and new techniques you may have learned. Writing about things that are going on in your life and thing you know or are learning make blogging easy and you never run out of things to write about. Now you can build relationships by sending people to you blog and they will get to know you and see how knowledgeable you are.
2) Professional blogging also is a great way to establish yourself as a leader online. When you make a YouTube video or write a article, at the end direct people to you blog for more information on you opportunity or to get their questions answered. This establishes you as a leader in the eyes of the people who visit your blog and they will be drawn to you with out you even talking to them. If your a network marketer 97% of the industry is failing. So if your offering your help, people will search you out and follow you. This is call "Attraction Marketing," where helping people get answers to questions they have through professional blogging attracts people to you and establishes you as a leader.
3) Professional blogging also a awesome way to post valuable information you my have just come across for you team or people you may be training in your business. Now because your blogging professionally you don't have to train people in your business individually. Just direct them to your blog for new information and training that you will be posting daily.
4) Professional blogging is a good place to recognize people on your team that are doing well. You may not know but that little acknowledgement goes a long way and keeps everyone pushing themselves harder and taking massive action in your business.
These little tips I have just given you are often looked over because they are so easy to do but if you follow them your status and you business will grow. Now start blogging.
Omari Taylor is a expert Internet Marketer who loves helping entrepreneurs grow and thrive large scale businesses working from home. The truth about making money online isn't what you think. Find out now: http://www.FastSuccessSystem.com/?tid=ezarticl (THIS ARTICLE IS AVAILABLE TO REPRINT AS LONG AS THIS SIGNATURE BOX IS INCLUDED). |
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