It's amazing how hard we will work to make money online, well if we don't know an easier way that is. Personally I worked my butt off 7 days a week and even then I wasn't making a full time living on the internet but once I realized I could make money online blogging about things I love, my hobbies, my entire online focus changed. It was like I was in heaven.
I tried blogging previously but it didn't seem to work for me but later I realized it wasn't the blogging that wasn't working it was the topics I had been choosing. I even forgot about blogging for a couple of years and continued doing the same thing I had been doing since early 2001.
I eventually decided to start a blog to share what I have learned over the years about fishing, fly fishing specifically. That is when the lights started to come on and they got brighter and brighter as the months of sharing when by.
I didn't do any advertising on this blog as it was jut an outlet for me to share my love of fly fishing.
I Was Finally Making Money Online
After about 3 months of sharing I noticed my traffic was up over 100 unique visitors a day and I was getting all kinds of keywords showing up in my cPanel stats. That's when I added a little bit of advertising.
I started out slow as I didn't want to turn off my new readers but over the following months I added more advertising. I added 3 adblocks that were 125x125 banners. I got them from Commission Junction and they were links to fishing supplies.
Next I added inline ads from Kontera. I will admit that Kontera doesn't make me a lot of money on one blog but when you add up all my blogs it's nothing to sneeze at. It also has to do with the growth of my blogs. Most of them are still less than a year old.
Well my fishing blog was working so well that I decided to start another blog but this time I went for gardening as my wife and I had just bought a new home with a second lot so we could start gardening. I figured I may as well share what I was learning and in that way others could help us learn by sharing through comments.
A few months after my first gardening blog started it was earning money for us as well.
Now I have 3 gardening blogs and 4 fishing blogs.
We are baby boomers ready for retirement and we love to travel. Well I decided to start a travel site where we would share our travel experiences. I didn't expect it to do much until we retired and started traveling more but it just took off and now it's the blog I make the most from.
The funny part about our travel blog is that I haven't shared any of our experiences yet. I have only put up private label rights articles that I purchased online. People just started requesting ad space on our travel blog and it just keeps getting better. I now have 4 travel blogs making money for us.
So in my humble opinion blogging is a most awesome way to make a living on the internet these days. The posts can be short so there is never a problem adding content and they seem to get indexed really fast as the search engines love blogs.
James Mann is a retired computer instructor who actually quit his day job to take up residence online with the goal to make money online and live the good life. James now makes his living blogging about the things he loves and has been talking about for free his entire life, his hobbies. |
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