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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Blog Can Be an Effective Tool For Promoting Online

By Terry Philpott

With growing appeal blogs appear to be challenging conventional websites as the most effective tool for promoting online. No matter if it's an idea, product, or service, there's no doubt blogging is gaining a wider acceptance as the platform of choice for communicating to the 'internet audience.'

Could it be possible that blogs will eventually replace the 'conventional' website as the primary internet platform for such communicative and/or promotional purposes? Possibly, but websites still have their place online.

An online survey would reveal that many websites and blogs are 'linked' to one another for referencing purposes. This seems more like a consolidation of effort than a battle of superiority.

So why and how do these two different types of sites work together?

Blogs interact with the visitors. By leaving comments in the form of opinions or suggestions readers feel they have more of a say in what they are exposed to at a blog. Bloggers therefore have a greater insight into what their visitors want or need.

The presentation of solutions for theses wants or needs in the form of products or services can be displayed at a website where visitors expect to be exposed to the 'rigors' of marketing. It is their option to visit these sites.

Combining the mutually exclusive characteristics of websites and blogs can enhance the overall marketing process.

Let's review some of the points that have spurred the appeal for blogging and seemingly made it the 'perfect compliment' to the more conventional website.

Blogging Pros

  • Blogs are more dynamic than websites since they are usually updated much more frequently than websites. Maintaining fresh content as a result leads to stronger search engine rankings.

  • Due to the interactivity between reader and site owner blogs offer the chance to build a relationship with visiting readers.

  • Blog visitors do not feel the sales pressure at a blog like they would at a website thereby increasing the probability of them returning.

  • Blogs are less complicated to operate and maintain as compared to websites.

  • Software needed for blogging is often times free or inexpensive.

  • The ability to link easily to numerous points of reference, social sites, and other sites of your own is another plus that again leads to stronger search engine rankings and additional traffic.

And of course as is the case there are sometimes drawbacks: Let's review a couple of them here.

Blogging Cons

  • Blogs are still not completely accepted and/or regarded as 'legitimate' by some of the internet mainstream due to their earlier reputations as maverick platforms for random ranting's and imposing opinions.

  • Maintaining fresh and current content on a blog can be time consuming.

As you can see the benefits of a blog outnumber the drawbacks. Used correctly blogs have proven to be an effective tool for promoting online; perhaps you should consider incorporating this tool into your current marketing plan?

T.J Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. For more information on succeeding in blog marketing and to receive a free guide that demonstrates how to find both profitable markets and products visit:

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