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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Craft Blogging - Writing a Craft Blog is Money in the Bank!

By Gordon Carew

If you're not craft blogging you're missing out on the single most cost-effective communication resource your craft business has at it's disposal.

You're failing to reach your existing customers as easily as you could and you're missing a massive opportunity to attract new customers.

Put simply, running a craft business blog could transform your income.

If you think I'm exaggerating then you don't understand the impact a properly run craft blog can have.

Don't believe me? Not convinced? Let's look at a cost-versus-benefit scenario.

If you already have a craft business website then adding a blog to it will cost you precisely nothing. Wordpress, the blogging platform almost all the pros use, is free and depending on who hosts your website you can probably install it yourself with a few mouse clicks.

Even if you don't yet have your own website your cost to set up a craft blog will be a paltry $15 with monthly hosting fees of under $5. If you think you can't afford that then eat one takeout less a month and you're covered.

Actually, by month two your craft blog will probably be in profit so you only have to miss one takeout, not one a month!

But seriously, when you're getting started those are your only costs. You can choose from hundreds of free "themes" to customise how your blog looks and you can install free "plug-ins" that get you ranked better in the search engines and perform all kinds of other useful tasks for you.

So the up front costs are negligible. You don't have to worry about it being too complicated either. Although I'm using terms like "themes" and "plug-ins" it's no more complex than copying a file from one place to another. Put it another way, if you can send email you can set up your own craft blog and run it successfully.

So we've got costs out of the way, we've got any concerns over the technology out of the way, what about the benefits?

It can take as little as five minutes to add a "post" to your blog (a "post" is just what we call the short articles you add). That post can be seen by anyone, any time of the day or night. Can you tell me an easier way of keeping in touch with people?

The search engines love blogs. It can take six months for a new website to rank in the search engines but a blog can be there in a week or two - even just a few days in some cases.

People love blogs. A regularly updated blog is fresh and lively. It's full of information. Your potential customer doesn't feel like they're being "sold to" and yet your message is getting across load and clear.

It's easy for your customer to keep up to date with what's going on as well. People are increasingly reluctant to give you their email address but are more than happy to subscribe to your RSS feed.

You can also earn money directly from your craft blog in a number of ways that you may not have considered. In fact all my craft blogs are independently profitable.

Let me show you how simple craft blogging can be and give you a valuable free gift at Craft Business Blogging.

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