There are probably as many reasons for writing a blog as there are people writing them. In my travels around the internet I have seen a huge variety of them, some wonderful, some weird.
The kind of blogs I like to read are those that are neat and tidy in their layout (like my one!) making it easier to read them. I prefer if there are not too many ads littered all over the page, but its actually nice to see some ads on a page. Many is the time when I have clicked on an ad on someone's blog and found it led to something that I have later used a lot.
I don't really like blogs that seem to be shouting at me. You know the kind, blaring loud ads, or some kind of political harangue. And I also detest those stupid pop ups that float across the screen at you and tell you that a customer adviser would like to have a one to one chat with you. And those boxes that come up and say things like, Please don't leave!
I think I'm not alone in having the above likes and dislikes, I think that most people feel the same way. After all, we do not like to feel that we are just ciphers, or that we are just ad fodder. And we like to be treated like we are just a little bit intelligent and that we are capable of making our own decisions. I mean, think about it, how do YOU want to be treated when you are reading someone else's blog. That is, or should be, your criterion when you are making a decision about what to put into your blog or what to leave out.
So my advice is, when you blog, don't shout or beg or wheedle or try to con your readers, keep it calm and reasonable. Just be yourself, treat your readers nicely. They will love you for it!
The blog "About Blogging" aims to look at the art of blogging from every possible angle. Read more at and please feel free to leave a comment there. |
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